The Best WordPress Giveaway Plugin?

The Best WordPress Giveaway Plugin?

review rafflepress features and pricingreview rafflepress features and pricing

Are you wondering if RafflePress is right for you?

RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. Its easy-to-use drag and drop builder allows you to create beautiful giveaways and contests. As a result, RafflePress can help you increase site traffic, lead generation, email newsletter list, and social followers.

All without touching a line of code!

But is this giveaway software right for you? In this RafflePress review, we have broken down the plugin’s features, ease of use, pros & cons, and more to ensure you have all the information you need before making your decision.


As mentioned, RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. It makes it easy to run a successful online giveaway promotion or contest.

The people behind RafflePress are from the same team that brought us SeedProd, the best landing page builder. They noticed that most WordPress giveaway plugins were bloated, buggy, slow, and hard to use. So, they created RafflePress with the goal of providing a powerful and easy-to-use giveaway plugin.

To add to this, RafflePress is an official WPBeginner verified plugin, meaning it has been tried and tested by a team that understands plugins and WordPress inside and out.

Why Should You Run a Giveaway with RafflePress?

wordpress giveaway pluginwordpress giveaway plugin

Giveaways are a fun way to increase engagement and show appreciation to your existing customers. The chance to win something free can create a more positive brand experience and strengthen customer loyalty.

Such a situation can lead to more than customer loyalty; it can create brand ambassadors.

In the end, your brand ambassadors can help you attract new users to your brand by sharing the giveaway with their network. This can expose your brand to a wider audience, creating new connections and customers.

And hopefully, get even more brand ambassadors!

For instance, ran a successful contest that boosted their revenue by over $10,000.

Here are other benefits on why you should create a giveaway contest on your WordPress website.

  • Increase Website Traffic: Running an online contest is a great way to increase traffic to your website. RafflePress offers built-in viral sharing that rewards users with bonus entries if they refer a friend or share your giveaway promotion on social media.
  • Grow Your Email List: When running a giveaway, you can require users to sign up for your email list to receive entries for your contest. People will rush to become email subscribers for a chance to win.
  • Boost Social Media Followers: You can also allow users to follow you on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more in exchange for bonus entries to your giveaway, which can quickly boost your social media followers.
  • Targeted lead generation and Sales: Running a successful giveaway can even help you generate more targeted leads and sales. Because a viral giveaway boosts your brand awareness, more people will be introduced to your business and what you have to offer.
  • Increased Brand Awareness: Giveaways attract a lot of attention, especially if you offer a prize that resonates with your audience. This can expose your brand to a whole new audience who may not have been familiar with you before.
  • Build Positive Relationships: Giveaways can help create a sense of goodwill and excitement around your brand. People appreciate the chance to win something free, and it can foster a more positive brand image.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, online giveaways can be a relatively inexpensive way to reach a large audience.
  • Improved Search Engine Ranking: Higher traffic and better engagement can positively impact your search engine rankings. Plus, the giveaway participants may link to your site, improving your SEO.

RafflePress Review: Is this Giveaway and Contest Plugin Worth the Hype?

Now that you understand RafflePress and the benefits of giveaways and contests let’s get into the review.

If you want to skip to the different sections of the article, select the links below.


One of the first things you will notice about RafflePress is that it is very easy to set up, making it great for beginners and small businesses. First, it has a free version of the RafflePress plugin that you can quickly install and set up from your WordPress repository.

You can set up Rafflepress Lite as you would any other plugin, ensuring you do not experience a learning curve.

If you have any issues here, check out this article on how to install a plugin.

But if you want to unlock more RafflePress features, you will need a pro version. Luckily, this giveaway promote plugin offers 4 premium plans, ensuring you can easily get a package within your budget.

To get RafflePress Pro, purchase a plan from its official website. Then, log into your RafflePress account and navigate to Account.

Here, download the Plugin’s ZIP file and copy the license key while on this page. You will need this activation code later.

rafflepress dashboardrafflepress dashboard

After this, head over to your WordPress account and install and activate RafflePress as you would any other plugin.

Then, immediately after plugin activation, RafflePress will display a welcome mat where you can quickly insert your License Key to get started.

rafflepress activationrafflepress activation

Once you do this, scroll through the welcome mat, and you will see ” Create your First Giveaway” and “Read Full Guide.”

get started with rafflepressget started with rafflepress

This means that after you activate RafflePress, there are no additional configuration steps using a setup wizard. You will be ready to create your first giveaway immediately, making it very user-friendly.

Ease of Use & Customization

RafflePress is designed with ease of use and customization in mind. This makes the otherwise long and difficult process of setting up website giveaways simple.

Let’s go over how to run a giveaway with RafflePress.

The first step is to select the GiveAway submenu under the RafflePress menu option in WordPress. This will open a new window displaying all your giveaways.

Next, select Add New near the top of the screen to get started.

rafflepress add new giveawayrafflepress add new giveaway

Once this is done, you’ll be prompted to name your giveaway and choose a goal-based giveaway template.

RafflePress offers giveaway templates such as Classic (which allows you to create any type of giveaway), Grow Your Email List, Refer-a-Friend, Grow Your Facebook Page, and more.

rafflepress templatesrafflepress templates

After choosing a template, you’ll be taken to the RafflePress giveaway builder, where you can set up your giveaway prize details. After all, a great prize is what will get you a lot of contest entries.

Here, you can choose the name of your prize, such as “iPhone Giveaway.” Then, include a short description of the contest prize and upload an image of the prize.

If you have multiple prizes, you can click the + Add Another Prize button to add more. This will give you an awesome opportunity to offer prizes for second and third places, giving your audience more hope of winning something.

You can also set the start and end dates for your giveaway as well as the time zone. Adding a giveaway time duration is one of the most effective ways of creating FOMO and excitement around your giveaway contest.

rafflepress drag and drop giveaway biuilderrafflepress drag and drop giveaway biuilder

But, the most exciting thing about RafflePress is all of the actions they offer.

You can add as many actions as you want to your blog giveaway in order to reach your goals and give people multiple entries to the contest.

For instance, if you want to grow your following on social media, you can choose actions like Follow us on Twitter and Follow us on Pinterest. This would be a great way to build engagement on giveaways based on content like photo contests.


Plus, their Refer-a-Friend action can help make your giveaway go viral. With this action users can get extra entries for sharing your contest on any social media platforms or by email.


You can also choose how many entries each of these actions will give the giveaway participants.

On top of this, you can set a compulsory action for the contest, ensuring your users complete it if they want to be entered in the giveaway.

Now, RafflePress comes with plenty of customization options.

It offers design options that ensure you can choose your font, background color, layout, button color, and more.

This contest plugin makes it even easier to customize the appearance of your giveaways using dropdown menus.

It also comes with an easy-to-use color code chart so you can quickly choose what you want. If you have the color code itself, you can simply paste it into the color code bar provided.


Once you’ve finished creating your giveaway, sharing it is super easy, too.

Now, keeping with the theme of this WordPress plugin, you have 3 options for sharing your giveaway online. You can choose one that you are most familiar with or find easiest to use.

These options include:

  • RafflePress WordPress Block: Use the RafflePress WordPress Block to embed the giveaway in your WordPress post or page (use the new WordPress block editor).
  • WordPress Shortcode: Use the WordPress Shortcode to embed your contest in the classic WordPress Editor, inside your WordPress theme, or in sidebar widgets.
  • Giveaway Landing Page – Create a distraction-free landing page for your giveaway to get more conversions and engagement.
rafflepress publishing optionsrafflepress publishing options

As you can see, building a giveaway promotion with RafflePress is simple, but they provide powerful features that allow you to create the exact type of online contest you want.



Now, even though we have examined a number of RafflePress features above, we will examine them more in-depth so that you can understand how to unlock this contest plugin’s full potential.

1. Drag & Drop Builder
As you have seen above, creating a giveaway with RafflePress is incredibly straightforward thanks to its intuitive drop giveaway builder. This feature allows you to easily design and customize your giveaway campaigns without needing any coding skills or hiring a developer. Simply drag the elements you want, drop them into place, and watch your perfect giveaway take shape in minutes.

2. Goal-Based Giveaway Templates
RafflePress simplifies the process of creating a giveaway by offering pre-built, goal-based templates. You will find giveaway templates to grow your email list, increase social media followers, drive traffic to your giveaway website, and more. These templates are time-tested and optimized for success, allowing you to start your campaign quickly and efficiently.

3. Mobile Friendly
Since very many people use their phones to access the internet, ensuring your giveaways look great on any device is crucial. RafflePress’s giveaway widget is fully responsive, meaning it works well on smartphones, tablets, desktops, or any other screen size. This ensures that all your users have a seamless experience, no matter how they access your blog giveaway.

4. Fraud Protection
RafflePress takes the integrity of your giveaways seriously by incorporating robust fraud protection measures, including invisible reCAPTCHA. This feature helps to eliminate fake entries and maintain the fairness of your contests without adding any extra steps for your genuine participants.

5. Bonus Actions
Increase engagement and participation in your giveaways by offering bonus actions. RafflePress allows you to set additional actions or tasks that users can complete to earn extra entries. These actions can include visiting your social media pages, sharing your contest, or subscribing to your newsletter, helping to amplify your reach and engagement. To add to this, you can make an action mandatory for a participant to be added to the contest.

6. Viral Share Feature
Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful. To use this marketing technique online, RafflePress uses a viral share feature. This encourages users to refer friends to your giveaway, you can significantly expand your reach. Each referral gives the participant additional entries, motivating them to spread the word and helping your campaign go viral.

7. Giveaway Landing Page
For a more focused and distraction-free blog giveaway experience, RafflePress offers a dedicated giveaway landing page. You can build this optimized page to ensure that visitors can easily find and enter your contest without any distractions. This can help maximize your entry options and overall campaign success.

8. Giveaway Rules
Clear and concise rules are essential for any contest, and RafflePress makes it easy to generate them. The built-in giveaway rules generator helps you create customized rules. These ensure participants understand the guidelines, eligibility criteria, and other important details, maintaining transparency and fairness.

9. Automate Giveaways
The integration between Uncanny Automator and RafflePress allows you to automate giveaways using triggers. You can automate registrations or entries and tasks such as sending emails, updating Google Sheets, posting on social media, notifying teams in Slack, registering for webinars, and adding contacts to your CRM.

To add to these, here are other RafflePress features you can expect.

  • Analytics and Retargeting: RafflePress provides detailed analytics that track your campaign’s success, including entries, shares, and conversion rates. It also allows you to retarget your audience to further grow your conversion rates. These insights help you measure your ROI and make data-driven decisions for future promotions.
  • Create Giveaway Roles: This allows you to assign specific tasks and permissions to team members, ensuring a smooth and organized campaign management process.
  • Lucky Draw: You can automatically select random winners. This ensures fairness and saves you time. You can even choose multiple winners and notify them directly through RafflePress.
  • Redirects: After users complete their entry, you can direct them to a specific page, such as a thank-you page, your blog, or a product page, helping to drive traffic and engagement where you need it most.
  • Email Verification: You can send a confirmation email to participants, requiring them to verify their email address before their entry is accepted, maintaining the integrity of your blog giveaway.

But part from the many features that come with RafflePress, you can also connect it to other WordPress plugins to streamline your workflow.

raflepress integrationsraflepress integrations

As you can see, RafflePress offers a ton of features to help you create the most successful giveaways. Now, let’s take a look at how easy it is to create a viral giveaway with RafflePress.

Documentation & Support

While RafflePress is easy to use, it still offers insightful documentation to help you. First the RafflePress website has a live chatbox icon located on every page. When you select it, you will see a set of pre-written questions to help you get started with the chatbox.

To add to this, the documentation link is located in the footer of their official website if you need additional resources. The documentation page has a large search bar that will help you find what you are looking for quickly.

Plus, the resource guides and articles are arranged in list form to help you quickly navigate through them.

rafflepress documentationrafflepress documentation

If you have not signed in to your RafflePress account, the best way to reach the support team is through the Contact Us page.

This contact form is easy to complete. All you need to do is fill out your name, email address, and Topic from the dropdown list. Then, you can type in what issue you are facing, and the RafflePress team will get back to you.

But, if you are logged into your RafflePress account, you can communicate with support using the ticketing system. You can also access all the documentation and the support ticket straight from your WordPress dashboard in the RafflePress menu option.

Again, the support ticket is easy and straightforward to fill out. In fact, Rafflepress will prefill your name and email address using your signup information to make it easier for you.

So, all you have to do is fill out the subject, issue message, and your website URL. But, depending on the issue you are experiencing, you may need to create temporary WordPress access for the support team to help you with it.

rafflepress support ticketrafflepress support ticket

But don’t worry Rafflepress offers an easy guide to help you with this.

Pricing for RafflePress

RafflePress offers 4 different pricing plans: Plus, Pro, Growth, and Ultimate.

rafflepress pricingrafflepress pricing

RafflePress Plus costs only $31.60/ year and comes with all the essential tools you need to grow your traffic and attract more followers. The Plus plan is for running giveaways on 1 website. It offers features such as time controls, multiple prizes, email verification, notifications, Pro actions (such as Following on Twitter to enter), and more.

The Pro plan is $79.60/ year for 3 websites, and it’s great for businesses and bloggers who want to hold regular giveaways and do more with them. This plan comes with features from the Plus plan as well as email integrations, polls, surveys, mandatory actions, submit images, and more.

The Growth plan, which costs $159.60/ year, is best for business owners who want fast, big results. With the Growth plan you get everything in Pro and 20 sites, refer-a-friend (viral), social logins, giveaway landing page, and more.

Finally, the Ultimate plan is for a lifetime license and costs a 1-time fee of $399.60.

Pros & Cons


  • Beginner-friendly
  • Goal-focused templates
  • Mobile-responsive
  • Seamless entry
  • fraud protection
  • Viral growth features
  • Social media integrations
  • Marketing & CRM Integrations
  • Distraction-Free Landing Pages
  • Success tracking and retargeting
  • Free version available


  • Need pro version to unlock all features

Our Verdict: Should You Use RafflePress to Create a Giveaway?

RafflePress calls itself the best WordPress giveaway plugin for a reason. If you’ve never created a giveaway before, there’s no need to worry — with RafflePress, you can build a successful giveaway in minutes.

Plus, the features they offer make it even easier to reach your goals. Whether you want to build your social media following, grow your email list, increase your website traffic, or boost brand awareness, you can do so easily with RafflePress.

As a result, RafflePress is the best giveaway plugin.

FAQs: RafflePress Review

Is RafflePress free?

Yes, RafflePress offers a free version with core features like drag-and-drop giveaway creation, mobile-friendly entries, and basic entry methods. It’s a great way to test the waters before committing to a paid plan.

Do I need licenses to run giveaways on my website?

While RafflePress itself doesn’t require licenses, it’s always a good idea to check your local regulations for any giveaway restrictions or legalities. Depending on your location, it might involve contest disclaimers, prize restrictions, or other local regulations.

Can I create Twitter giveaways with RafflePress?

Correct. RafflePress integrates with Twitter to allow you to create giveaways that encourage users to follow you or engage with your tweets as entry methods. Twitter giveaways are a great way to boost your presence on the social media platform.

Does RafflePress come with a social media giveaway picker?

Absolutely. RafflePress features a social media giveaway picker. This means you can select your winner randomly and fairly directly from the platform. There is no need to worry about manual processes or external tools.

Congratulations! You now have a better understanding of RafflePress. If you are looking for RafflePress alternatives, check out this article on 12+ Best WordPress Contest and Giveaway Plugins.

To add to this, here are other articles you might be interested in reading.

The first step-by-step tutorial walks you through how to create a successful giveaway on your WordPress site. The next post lists 8 powerful gamification plugins. While the last post teaches you how to create a social media contest to grow your traffic.

We recommend RafflePress to anyone who wants to run a giveaway quickly and easily.

Check out our ratings for RafflePress below:

Get RafflePress Now »
